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Yvonne Heimann understands the importance of freeing up time and energy so that business owners can focus more attention on their passion. By automating or outsourcing the mundane tasks, you can focus on what you’re good at and what you love. But don’t be overwhelmed, implementation may take a little time and effort, but the […]


As a business owner, it’s tempting to promote your brand on every social media platform, but it’s not always possible – and it might not be the best strategy, either. Brand strategist Phil Pallen shares his expertise to help you decide which platforms your businesses should focus on for maximum results.  


If you’re looking to stand out and build an audience on LinkedIn, you’ll want to take advantage of one of the B2B platform’s most powerful tools: the newsletter. Whether repurposing content you’ve already created or creating something new, LinkedIn gives you more reach and a new audience. LinkedIn expert Judi Fox gives us the rundown […]


What if you could spend half, or even a third of the time, to complete a project that normally takes much longer? Sounds great, right? That’s where Agile Marketing comes in. Certified Agile Marketer Dorien Morin-van Dam explains the difference between a Scrum and a Kanban, and how moving to Agile marketing framework can save […]


Today’s use of mobile devices is not just a trend, it’s the future. It is a paramount shift in how we are interacting with the internet, and it is happening at lightning speed. As business owners we can’t afford to just sit back and see how it all pans out, we need to take action […]


Digital marketing can sometimes feel like a puzzle. Which may be what inspired us to create a series of rebuses (rebii? rib eyes?) for marketers to solve so they could reach more of their ideal customers online.  This was part of a retargeting campaign to drive traffic to the Agents of Change website, but now […]


For business owners, it’s been pounded into our heads that we need to build our email lists. Build your list and email your audience with content, information and special offers. Sure, email is great, but do you realize the average person that owns a smartphone has it in their hand almost every 7 minutes? So […]


Creating customer loyalty is the very backbone of many small businesses. But creating customer loyalty doesn’t just happen overnight, sometimes your customers need a little nudge to encourage them to keep coming back. And what better way to encourage them than by making it as easy for them as possible. The key is in connecting […]


Mobile is a bigger factor in your small business’s success than you might think. The fact that 90% of all social media and email is first viewed on a smartphone means that your business is losing out big time if you’re not reaching your audience where they hang out. Understanding that when your audience is […]


We’ve given you a top 10 list of the best SEO blogs out there and the best Social Media blogs out there, so naturally this next post will focus on the top 10 mobile marketing blogs! Mobile marketing is up and coming and these blogs will help you stay ahead of your competition. Mobile marketing […]