Getting inbound links to your e-commerce website—or any website for that matter—can often be a time consuming, soul sucking grind. But by aligning your marketing with something you and your community care about, you can attract links from businesses and organizations that rarely link out, improving your SEO and driving more qualified traffic to your […]


Building a successful SEO strategy relies on 7 core elements, according to David Finberg of Peaks Digital Marketing. In today’s episode we’ll look at each one in turn, and give you specific steps you can take to improve your standing in each category.


Google Discover is your own personal, curated feed of web content that appears below the search bar. As a marketer, it provides an opportunity to surprise and delight your audience and drive qualified traffic to your site. However, getting your content to show up in Google Discover is no easy feat. Kyle Brady, publisher, strategist […]


As marketers, it’s always in our best interest to ensure that our sales funnels and customer journey’s are dialed in when it comes to paid ads, before you start tossing money at them. Dubbed a “visionary marketer” by the American Marketing Association, Michael “Buzz” Buzinski of Buzzworthy Integrated Marketing is here to tell us how […]


SEO is more than just stuffing keywords into an article or other content piece. If people aren’t searching for it and it’s not what you do, then don’t create content for it!   According to Dmitrii Kustov of Regex SEO, there are 4 key ingredients when it comes to SEO and optimization. In this episode, we dive […]


If you’re looking for another way to increase traffic to your website, boost sales, and engage with your audience – and really, who isn’t – then Google Posts may be the best new thing you’re not currently using. They’re free, easy to use, and drive traffic to your website or landing page. Greg Gifford from […]


Like an aging car, as it gets older, you start adding things to it to keep it fresh. The same can be said for Google Analytics. Google has rolled out Google Analytics 4 as the future gold standard when it comes to measuring your brand, including clicks, views, etc. On today’s episode, our friend Chris […]


If your goal is to get more customers – and really, who isn’t trying to do that – then you need to be discoverable. Search is digital, even if you run a brick and mortar shop. Your customers are first going to go online to look for you, so the pressure is on you to […]


Every digital marketer could lecture you for days on the importance of SEO and why your business absolutely needs it in order to succeed in the online search game. But what they also should be stressing, is how to prove the ROI of SEO.  Because after all, how can you improve on something – or […]


How do you know if you have a content gap on your website? How can you find and fix what isn’t actually there? In this week’s episode, Alex Valencia shares with us how you can do a competitive analysis to uncover what content is missing from your website and keeping you from generating more leads […]