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How to Create Compelling and High-Demand Courses – Steve Nixon
The Agents of Change

How to Create Compelling and High-Demand Courses – Steve Nixon

When it comes to creating the content on your website that will probably rank well and drive leads, it’s got to be a combination of doing a little bit of keyword research, but also paying attention to the past conversations you’ve had with clients and prospects on your website and in person. This is even more vital with niche marketing.

Ana Raynes, digital marketing expert at Simplified Impact, knows you need to think outside the box to get attention in niche marketing. It’s a very particular kind of marketing because your audiences tend to be much smaller, the traffic that you drive to your site is going to be much smaller, but your sales are bigger. You’re really flipping the way you think of SEO on its side, when it comes to niche marketing.

Rich Brooks: My guest today started from humble beginnings. In 2011 he threw a couple of videos up on YouTube just for fun. However, the videos and website took off and planted the seed for him to create freejazzlessons.com which eventually became the largest jazz piano education website in the world. It wasn’t easy in the beginning, but along the way, he learned what it took to grow a wildly successful online business.

To date, he’s sold over 30,000 products, and that number is growing daily. His mission is to share what it really takes to build a wildly profitable business with real customers, big profits, and real fans. I asked him to come on the show today to talk about how real world businesses could tap into online courses and generate new streams of revenue. I’m very excited to dig into that with Steve Nixon. Steve, welcome to the show.

Steve Nixon: Rich, truly a pleasure to be here. Thanks for having me.

Rich Brooks: This is going to be great. Now, a lot of people feel that online courses are the tool of digital marketers and online gurus and not really for so-called real world businesses. What would you say to that?

Steve Nixon: Well, I would say that they’re 100% wrong. Now you might say, well, why is that? Well, you know, part of great selling is educating your customers and making sure they understand the type of value that you bring, either through your products or services. And having that role of education, of making sure they understand how you can serve them the best can be useful for any type of business. So you can do that through free educational content or through courses. You know, there’s a whole gamut of opportunities. But every single business could use a deeper relationship with their customers, and education is a great way to do that.

Rich Brooks: So you kind of touched on this with your answer, but what do you see as some of the benefits of creating online courses for real world businesses? Educating them, I’m sure that’s great, but what else do you think there is?

Steve Nixon: Two of the most important things you can have in today’s day and age is trust and attention. So I’ll give you a perfect example from literally something that happened to me yesterday.

I’m always interested in purchasing businesses, right? I’ve done a lot of consulting work over the years and built my own businesses, but I love the concept of investing in and buying other businesses. So I was doing some Google searching and everybody else does, and I came across this small little video series on YouTube. Now I went from an ice cold, never even heard of this one person – and the website I actually ended up circling on was buffettsbooks.com – to becoming a raving fan.

And how I did that was basically just watching his free content. He’s got a small little, free educational course on how Warren Buffet invests. I loved it. I thought he was a great teacher, a great communicator, I built trust with him, and basically I’m ready to put anything that he puts out in the market. I’m a raving fan now, and of course I invested with him and I bought some of his other resources, but it literally just started from that educational standpoint. So, you know, education is the starting point for relationships, as I just mentioned.

Rich Brooks: Totally agree with that. You know, as we’ve created content over the years at flyte and Agents of Change, it’s definitely created lead generation opportunities, gives you, , opportunity for people to know, like, and trust you. And the other thing that I found is sometimes when you’re creating courses or resources that costs some amount of money but not as much as you would normally charge, if you’re working one on one with somebody, it gives you the opportunity of working with people who couldn’t afford your services otherwise. And maybe at a certain point they’ll finally be able to work with you. But right now, this is the most that they can get from you, and that’s a great place to start.

Steve Nixon: You know, I love that. And that’s actually a concept that a lot of businesses will use, it’s called the ‘value ladder’. Which is, you know, ultimately in the highest level, for example, let’s say you’re a financial planner and you’re working one on one regularly with your clients, and that’s the highest value service that you have. You’re constantly working with them and helping them optimize their investments or the books or how they’re investing in their particular business. But lower medium level on the value ladder is, let’s make an online course so we can serve more people at a more of an affordable price.

Now, if you’re a consultant or you’re in the business of selling your time, there’s only limited amount of resources that you have available there, which is why oftentimes consultants will price their time at a pretty high premium. But at the medium level, if you make a great course, record it, make sure it serves people, that’s infinitely scalable right there. And you can also make sure it’s at a price that a lot of people can afford.

And again, it’s actually, you know, these lower level ‘value ladder’ things are actually a great form of lead generation as well in terms of getting your higher value clients also.

Rich Brooks: You brought up a great point also that so many people are limited by the money they can make because of the hours in the day. And I just think of anybody from CPAs to hairstylists to personal trainers, and creating an online course can definitely basically remove the ceiling entirely and you’re able to create something of value that a lot of people get something out of and sell that same thing an infinite number of times after you’ve put in the initial work.

Steve Nixon: Yeah, that’s exactly what it is. I mean, ultimately it depends on what kind of business model and what kind of life you want for yourself. But if you’re trading time for money, there’s a flaw there, right? At a certain point, unless you continually raise your prices and sooner or later the market is going to say, stop, I’m not going to pay anymore. But you can’t raise your income past a certain point. Right? So I always recommend that people re-shift that, and courses are a phenomenal way of doing that.

Rich Brooks: If somebody is listening right now and they’re starting to realize, “Hey, this is a missed opportunity for me, I really should be doing something like this.” What’s the first step? How do they get started in creating an online course?

Steve Nixon: Great question. So there’s really three things that I suggest people do. First of all, start with the end in mind. So where do you want people to be at the very end? What’s their life going to look like when they’ve completed their year course?

So, for example, let’s go back again to our financial planner space. So people have set up a 401k, they have auto investments, and they’re understanding the benefits of being able to do that. And they’ve set up a budget. And again, I’m spit balling here. But let’s say that’s the end goal, and then what you do is reverse engineer backward.

Okay, well, what are the steps they would need to do each way? And then as you’re doing that, you’re writing down and you keep asking what do they need to do before that? What do they need to do before that? And that gives you your module, so to speak, the content that you’re going to create. Right. But always start from the end goal.

Now the second thing is, you know, well, what do we make the course about? Well, there’s two ways of doing this, and this is really starting from a pain standpoint that your positive can – you have to make sure you’re positive – you want to make sure you’re interviewing your customers, are your leads, your prospects, you know, what are they really, truly struggling with in your business? And make sure you’re proving that out first. You know they’re really, really, really struggling. Figuring out some of the automatic investment stuff or some of the technology aspects of investing, so that’s a pain point that they’re having. Great. But if it’s not, then you want to keep finding and probing right there and figuring out what those options are.

From a data driven standpoint, you can also start doing keyword research as well and make sure people are actually searching for the thing that you’re putting out in the marketplace.  So if you say, ”Listen, I’m going to make a course on underwater basket weaving, and this is going to be the greatest course in the history of the world on underwater basket weaving.” That may be true, Rich, but I don’t know how many people are actually looking for that.

Rich Brooks: Yeah, I totally understand that. That makes a lot of sense in terms of you need to be creating a course with not just the end in mind, but with other people in mind, too. So doing that research makes a lot of sense.

So what’s that process look like? So I start with the end in mind. I think about what somebody wants to accomplish. I do my research. What comes next?

Steve Nixon: Well. So like I said, we talked about that reverse engineering strategy of starting from that end in mind. Right? Okay, cool. Where do we want them to be? And then you’re writing down each step along the way. And then you would write down a couple of bullet points that are in each of those steps, and that’s the content. That’s your modules for those courses right now. If you like to write, you could do it in the form of a book. If you like to be on video, you like to record podcasts like you and I do, you could do it as an audio course. But it’s really just putting the content out there.

It doesn’t need to be perfect in the very beginning. You know, what’s that old phrase? You know, good is or perfect is the enemy of good, of just keeping moving, right? So, you know, you just put it out there to the best of your ability. Obviously put some of your heart into this, make sure it’s as good as you can be. But just get it out there, get feedback from people and start serving people. Does that make sense? Does that answer your question?

Rich Brooks: So what’s the first step if somebody is sitting at home and they’re like, “Yes, I’ve missed an opportunity here. I want to get started.” What do they do next?

Steve Nixon: So there’s basically three things, and this is a great exercise and you’re actually going to find out it will help you serve your clients better in other ways as well. But here are the three exercises you want to start doing.

So the first thing is, how do we actually create the course content, what’s it going to be about? What do you want people to be able to accomplish at the very end. So let’s use the example of a financial planner. Now a financial planner may say, “Listen, after the end of this course, I want my clients to be able to do basic retirement investing by themselves and not have to be confused by some of the technology or the strategy or how to make sure that they’re IRS compliant. So that’s the end goal. To set up, let’s say, an automatic retirement contribution plan. Great.

Now you say, okay, well what are they going to need to know to be able to do that? Well then you have to understand what an IRA is and need to know how to do an auto investment. They need to know what the different retirement service providers are out there, Fidelity and Vanguard, et cetera, et cetera. You should make a laundry list of all the things that your clients need to know right.  And then what you do is you keep asking yourself, what do they need to know to be able to do this? Eventually, you’ll have everything down in paper, and that’s the actual material for the course.

But again, it starts with that end in mind, the dream scenario that you want your clients to have. And you know, that’s what courses really should be about. It should be about getting people results and transformational change. Okay. Now, that’s one way of doing it.

Now, another way of doing it, and this is another fantastic exercise, is say, okay, what are the top three to five problems my customers or prospects have? Really, really, really make sure that those are real problems. You know, talk with your customers, ask them what they’re struggling with, or, you know, if you’re constantly talking with your clients and you have that relationship, if you truly know for a fact this is what it is, and then can maybe potentially skip that. But write down what are their problems and then you can create a course specifically about solving those problems. You don’t want to be creating stuff in the marketplace that doesn’t really solve problems, because that’s what a role of an entrepreneur in the business is, it’s solving people’s problems.

 Now, one more thing you can do, and this is that third exercise, is you can do a little keyword research. Make sure people are actually searching for the thing you’re creating. So if you like underwater basket weaving, great, and you can become the best service provider in the world that teach how to do underwater basket weaving. Good for you. But there isn’t a real lot of demand in the marketplace for that. If you do a search for it in Google, my guess is there’s probably not very many people searching for it. And so let’s pretend you hadn’t done that research in advance. Guess what? You just saved yourself a ton of time creating a course that nobody wants. So it’s a combination of those three exercises right there. This is how you create a course that can serve people, make sales, and drive the business forward.

Rich Brooks: Steve, I’m sure a lot of people may not be familiar with how to search to find out if there’s a lot of search volume behind a keyword. What’s your favorite tool for doing that?

Steve Nixon: So I use Google Ads just simply the Google Ad Word tool. Now one of the problems, unless you’re an actually an advertiser who uses Google ads, or the way that they used to be called Google AdWords, is that they’ll give you a broad range of volume. So for example, they’ll say like this, search word has 100 to 10,000 searches per month, will 100 significantly different than 10,000. But the secret hack there is, spend like $1.00 a day or even $1.00 a week on Google ads and you can actually get that keyword tool for free.

So another one is Word Tracker. They’ve got a free version as well that you can get a few searches in there. Um, I think eventually you have to pay for their software. There’s some other options as well, some other free tools. But honestly, go to the source, go to use Google’s ad platform and they’ll tell you exactly what’s going on.

Rich Brooks: All right, so once we’ve gone through these exercises and we’re pretty sure what we want to teach, what does the course itself actually look like? Like literally, what are my deliverables? Am I creating videos, audio recordings, something to read? What do you recommend?

Steve Nixon: So the answer to all that is ‘yes’. Now what do I mean by yes. That’s such a broad answer, Steve, what do you mean? Well, ultimately again, I like to look at a business at two angles. Again, it’s always about serving other people. So for example, if your audience thinks that video is the bee’s knees, and that’s a technical term, the bee’s knees.

Rich Brooks: It’s a technical term from a hundred years ago, but keep going.

Steve Nixon: Rich, I work out once a year, so I look like I’m actually 175 years old, but you know, that incremental work that I’m doing all the time keeps me looking young, buddy. But anyways, I digress.

But if your audience loves video, then that’s what you want to be doing, you want to be creating video. If they love books or they love podcasts or audio, you know, it’s about serving people. Now I will say that broadly speaking, the marketplace in general tends to spend more money on video and tends to value it higher than say, books. Now, I love books. I read books all the time, but you know, if you look at the price point of like an Amazon book for example, The Intelligent Investor by Ben Graham is one of the most influential books on investing of all time. And Warren Buffet credits it for him teaching him how to invest. So Warren Buffet is a huge, huge, huge, billionaire. He’s like the third or fourth richest person in the world, but you can get that book for like $7.00 bucks on Amazon. So the marketplace doesn’t really value books as much as say they would videos. So just purely from an economic standpoint, videos, something that you can usually charge a little bit more.

One additional way to look at that. Now if you’re listening to this and you say, “Well man, you know, I don’t like doing my hair looks on video and I’m just uncomfortable in video and I’m awkward and I don’t have any teeth or whatever.” Whatever, you’re insecure. You know, don’t worry about it. Just put it on any way that you can. It’s really about just getting the content out there. Don’t let it stop you. You know, don’t let it stop you. Just, if you want to do a book, you want to do podcast, audio, whatever it is, just put the content out there. Serve people. Don’t let perfection get in the way of actually putting something out there.

Rich Brooks: Do you recommend that we include tests or some type of interactivity into these online courses?

Steve Nixon: I love that question. Abso-frickin-lutely. Tests are awesome. It’s a great way to make sure people are internalizing content. And then when people are internalizing content, they’re making changes. And when they make changes and you’ve affected their life, they’re going to give you money because you’re a valuable resource to them. Right? So, yeah, this is why we had tests in school, it helps us internalize the content. Yeah, great question.

Rich Brooks: Well, and so that raises another question I have. There are platforms out there like Teachable or Udemy, do you recommend that we use these platforms that have some tools built in, or is this something that we should be trying to create and then sell through our own websites?

Steve Nixon: Well, I’m going to separate that question in two different ways. If you’re listening to this and you’re pretty tech savvy, and I don’t mean that you’re a coder or that  you are really amazing in all aspects of technology, but you’re somebody who can put together some template stuff on a webpage or you’re not afraid to install a plugin in something the technology doesn’t scare you. Then if you’re that person, then I would absolutely recommend that you put it on your own website.

Now, most of the people, listening to this this may say, “Listen, I hate technology. It bores me, it’s a bottleneck. I’ve got much better things to do.” Then try something like Teachable. Don’t get bogged down in the tech. You know, whatever’s going to help you get that course out as fast as possible.

One final thing to put into consideration. Some of the platforms out there, and I’m not going to get in specifics because I don’t want to receive hate mail from, from any of these platforms, but you have to make sure you’re reading the fine print, so to speak, on certain platforms. Because they’ve hit me up before over the years and say, “Listen, your content out there on us, we’ll do all the marketing and stuff for you.” Which is funny because they haven’t done the research on me. They don’t know that I love marketing and that’s my wheelhouse. “But we’ll handle everything. You can charge whatever you want, yada, yada, yada.” But in the fine print they say you can put whatever price you want in there, but we have the right to run sales on your stuff all the time.

So I’ll see courses on – again, I’m going to not say the exact platforms out there – but they’ll have a normal course on there for $297, and then I’ll see it, they’ll retarget me on Facebook for like $14. You know, from a value proposition standpoint, that’s a little tough, right? So you have to do a little bit of your research on some of the platforms out there that do all the marketing for you, and they make everything easier. They’re not always the best platforms out there for course creators. And hopefully that sort of answers that question.

Rich Brooks: It does. And I was doing some research into this the other day and I noticed that there were certain platforms that seem to do less for you, but gave you more freedom. And other ones that did a lot more for you, but more or less, they were in complete control of the situation. So again, I think it’s something – like you said – look into it, make sure you’re okay with the tradeoffs because there will be tradeoffs.

Steve Nixon: Absolutely. And I will just say one more thing. As we’re recording right now, I will say what is a good platform. So Teachable, it’s limited in certain ways, they don’t give you all the bells and whistles and you don’t have a hundred percent flexibility, but you don’t always take a cut and they can’t constantly be marking down your prices and you don’t have control. So Teachable is a pretty cool platform to be able to do that kind of stuff.

So if you’re already just want to start there, I’m not an investor in Teachable or anything like that, but that’s a kind of an easy way to get started.

Rich Brooks: Very cool. One of the things that I’ve seen a lot of people do when they’re creating online courses is create some sort of online support group to go with it. Maybe it’s a private Facebook group, sometimes it’s within the platform itself. What are your thoughts about that?

Steve Nixon: So I love that. You know, again, it comes from giving value to your audience and subscribers. There’s a reciprocity factor in there. There’s social proof. There’s a way to constantly stay engaged with people.

Most people are logging into Facebook all the time so they’re seeing your posts and your content, they can make friends from there. So it really serves an audience in that way.

Now, from a purely entrepreneurial standpoint, you do have to make sure you’re designed in the right way. Because again, you’re potentially running into the problem of trading time for money again. So you know this is something you want to navigate as you’re building that platform.

If you’re going to do that, I would highly, highly, highly recommend you have some people to help you out because you don’t want to be serving people 24 hours a day, 365 days a week. Not that it wouldn’t be a nice thing to do, but in order to be the best provider you can, you need to get sleep and you need to make sure you get some breaks in there as well. So it’s a good idea, but you have to make sure you’re doing it strategically the right way.

Rich Brooks: Makes sense. One thing that I often see when people are putting on classes, or I should say I see it both ways, with some people the courses are always open, always taking new students. And other times it’s a very limited time and they’re pushing the fact this class is going to close for another year if you don’t act by midnight tonight. Have you tried one way or the other way? Do you have a preference in terms of how you like to sell your courses?

Steve Nixon: Yeah. So ultimately the cart open/cart closed type thing is a scarcity strategy. And some people think, oh, you know, you’re just doing it in a BS way, why are you closing an online course? You know, it’s like they’re shady business going on there.

But that’s actually the wrong way of looking at it. You know, one of the things that we found in terms of people taking action is that scarcity opportunities to missing out actually drives people towards taking action. Not only towards buying, but actually implementing the materials that they’re purchasing right. So in some ways you’re serving your customers better when you’re doing that. You’re definitely going to see an increase in sales if you run that open cart/closed cart type thing, these big bumps in revenue happening. Again, there’s science behind in terms of scarcity and people taking action.

But from a capital standpoint of a business, there’s problems there as well. And great, April we’re rich, let’s party with models and bottles and the whole nine thing. And then in May we’re poor again because the cart is closed. And so the continental launch, you know, huge revenue and then the drastic drop in revenue that happens. I don’t like that.

I’ve been in business for a lot of years. I’ve been at this running courses for over a decade. Which in internet years is again, I already said I was old before Rich in internet years, that’s about 700 years old. Right? And so, you know, I did that a lot in the very beginning, and it is effective, but it just caused too much stress for me.

So what you can do instead, which is a sort of in between, is add different promotions or different opportunities, different bonuses, different hook standpoints, to get people in for targeting different areas of the market at different points. And that’s how you can keep it open at all times. So, you know, there isn’t a right or wrong here.

Rich Brooks: Can you give me an example of what you’re talking about there, like talking about giving a special bonus, it sounds like for a limited period of time, if the cart’s always open?

Steve Nixon: Yeah, absolutely. Give me an example of a business or an offering and I’ll talk about some promos that they can do.

Rich Brooks: Well let’s consider a course that teaches people how to use LinkedIn for B2B networking.

Steve Nixon: Okay, perfect. So LinkedIn, okay, great. So you build the course and the course has a certain amount of value, but in May you can say, listen, you know, we’re going to be adding in our special bonus master class on how to build the perfect CV that gets 80% callbacks.

Another example could be how to write the perfect intro message inside LinkedIn to make sure that you’re building connections in a way that are extremely meaningful. You can do a bonus course on how to negotiate salaries to get a 30% increase from the initial offer. And there are things that your prospect wants, loves and needs, right? And you can cycle through these additional bonuses. But again, to circle back to the beginning of the interview, make sure you’re really clear that it’s something that your prospects or your customers truly want.

From an easy standpoint, it’s kind of a low common denominator. Of course you can run discounts and buy one, get one free, like typical type stuff. You see sales and gas stations and everywhere in the world, right on. But, you know, if you’re constantly discounting your prices, there’s some brand damaging that can occur there. You have to be careful. So cycling through different things, different angles, different hooks that are going to draw a different psychographic aspect of your audience in

Rich Brooks: That makes a lot of sense. And a recurring theme on this show and something I tell all my clients is, do your best to avoid discounting your work. If you find that you are making too much money, consider adding something in rather than just cheapening the price because that’s exactly what you’re doing with your brand is cheapening it.

And if I am just going to take a guess for most people, if they’ve never done this before and they’re looking to just add another revenue stream, my recommendation is going to be don’t go with the closed cart, just keep it open. Because really what you want to do is you want to generate these additional streams of revenue. And if it turns out you suddenly start making six figures, then that’s fantastic.

So one question I’m sure is on everybody’s mind – because we are talking about additional streams of revenue, Steve – is what do we price these at? It seems like it’s all over the board. I took a look at a couple of these platforms and it seemed like some courses were like $19.99 and then a very similar course was $799. So how do you start to think about what you should be charging for people to take your course?

Steve Nixon: Yeah. Great question. So this is an aspect of price positioning that’s really important for people to understand.  I actually created a whole article and video series on this. If you wouldn’t mind linking to this in the show notes afterwards, I’m happy to make sure that people are seeing it. But price elasticity and price positioning is something you need to make sure you understand right now.

Ultimately, people behave in price situations in a very, very, very irrational way. That’s the very first thing you have to understand. So for example, we could have two toasters, and one of them is – I don’t know why I came up with a toaster, just roll with me Rich – it’s just for our example here.  So one of them is $29.95. And a certain aspect of the market is going to choose that because it’s the cheapest version out there. And we will say they’re in Target or Walmart. And then there’s another aspect of the market that’s going to choose the toaster that seemed like it’s made a little better simply because it’s $79.95. And it’s what we would consider a medium range price.

Now the third toaster is $299.95. Now from a branding standpoint, from a font standpoint, from the box standpoint, from the way that that the toaster looks, it does look a little better. But ultimately all three of them what they do, what 95% of their functionality is, is they toast. That’s all they do. They make your bread or your bagel, whatever you put in there, they toast them. They have the same functionality, okay.

But people will oftentimes choose pricing in a very irrational way what they buy. Now hopefully from a moral and ethical standpoint, you’re not saying, “Listen, I’m just going to price this at, you know, 10 times the other price of other people, just from a positioning standpoint.” Hopefully you’re providing that much value to your prospects and customers by actually pricing it that way. But pricing is irrational in itself right now.

Now if you say,” Steve, great, you’re talking through here. Give me the tactic that I would do.” Well, look what a similar course is being sold for. And you want to make sure that course is actually selling, right? You don’t want to copy someone who’s not proven themselves in the marketplace. And then you can mark your particular version of that course let’s say 20% higher or 20% lower. So you can also start from a competitor’s standpoint and seeing where they are in the marketplace as well. Does that answer your question?

Rich Brooks: Yeah. Absolutely. And in a lot of the stuff you’re talking about is stuff that’s near and dear to my heart in terms of the psychology of how people respond. And we actually had a great episode a little while back and we’ll link to this in the show notes too about pricing is positioning with Paul Klein. So that’s definitely something people should check out as well as they’re thinking about what to charge for all this.

One more question before I let you go today, Steve, is marketing and promoting. You mentioned that some of the platforms actually will at least promise you that they’re going to market promote. But if we’re not going with one of those or we don’t trust those, what are you seeing that’s working well, if we’re trying to get the word out that we’ve got a course for sale?

Steve Nixon: Yeah. Great question. So this is ultimately marketing one-on-one, you know, how do you get your products or services or you know, if you’re using courses as a form of lead generation, how do you get in front of the ideal prospect?

Well, I’m an expert in digital marketing, and what we do is we’re using all the different traffic channels available to us. So SEO, creating content that’s searchable in search engines, using Google ads, YouTube, organic and YouTube ads, Twitter ads, Facebook ads, Facebook, organic, Instagram organic and Instagram, as you know. So it’s running the gamut from the lead generation standpoint and also just getting in front of very ideal prospects that way.

Another great way to do this is by having joint ventures with other people in your space. For example, my realtor the other day ran a joint venture with a movie theater in my local town, which is pretty creative on his part. They’re different products and services, but they’re both just trying to stay top of mind. So if and when I sell my house, my realtor says, “Hey, he’s going to continue to think of me.” That’s another great way of doing that. On top of that, referral programs. Huge, huge, huge, huge. Especially if you’re in the B2B space, incentivizing people for referring you is a phenomenal way of getting those prospects and lead prospects in as well. Does that answer your question?

Rich Brooks: Yeah, no, that’s fantastic. This has been great, Steve, and I’m sure a lot of people are feeling inspired to start developing their first course. Where can we send them to learn more about you?

Steve Nixon: Absolutely. So I do course consulting and marketing consulting, and I would love to connect with any of your listeners and help them. You can reach me at strategysamurai.com. And again that’s strategysamurai.com. Just drop a line in the contact form there. Let me know what you’re struggling with and let’s work out a way to make sure that we can get you past those hurdles.

Rich Brooks: Awesome. Steve, this has been fantastic. Looking forward to diving into my first course and appreciate all the time you’ve given us today.

Steve Nixon: Truly a pleasure. Thanks for having me

Show Notes:

Steve Nixon is living proof that online courses can take your business to the next level. Head on over to his website to find out how he did it, and how you can learn from him.

Rich Brooks is the President of flyte new media, a web design & digital marketing agency in Portland, Maine, and founder of the Agents of Change. He’s passionate about helping small businesses grow online and has put his 20+ years of experience into the book, The Lead Machine: The Small Business Guide to Digital Marketing