573 episodes | 572K+ downloads

What does it take to develop personalized marketing strategies that truly resonate? Marketing expert Kelly Heilpern discusses the key ingredients of successful marketing personalization, staring with using a single-minded proposition to help guide your decisions.


As a business owner, it’s tempting to promote your brand on every social media platform, but it’s not always possible – and it might not be the best strategy, either. Brand strategist Phil Pallen shares his expertise to help you decide which platforms your businesses should focus on for maximum results.  


You have a brand, either by design or by accident. If it’s by accident, it may not be a brand you want to stand behind. Branding expert, Bri Seeley, helps you discover whether your brand is actually serving your business, and how to fix it if it comes up short.  


Many companies steal ideas from what their competition is up to. Unfortunately, that doesn’t help you stand out or grab the attention of your ideal customer. Instead, look to other industries for ideas and then make them you own. Marketing expert Mary Cate Spires shares how she identifies related industries, discovers what’s working there, and […]


Consumers, especially Millennials and Gen Z, want to work with and buy from companies that hold similar values to their own. They expect you to take a stand on social media and back that position up with action. So how does this impact your marketing, your communication, and your social media? Brooke Sellas, author of […]


As a business you always want to be building loyalty and trust from your clients and prospective clients. The best way to do that is by telling stories that they can relate to personally.  You should think of storytelling as tribe building.  And if you put out your story, you’re going to attract like-minded people […]


One of the most anticipated parts of owning a business is getting to choose a name for your brand and products. But there’s a little more to it than you think. Does your name easily resonate with your customers? Is it easy to pronounce? Will it stand the test of time for years to come? […]


In business, we want to make sure that we’re always front of mind for our customers and prospects. But how do we do that without inundating them with a blizzard of information, overloading them just to make sure they remember us? Maintaining inspiration within your audience is the key. You need to make them want […]


To communicate effective with your audience, your brand needs to speak to them in a way your listeners – and prospects – can relate to, understand and trust. But how do we do that effectively when there are so many different styles that appeal to so many different people? The key is to find the […]