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Are you not getting enough ROI out of your email marketing? If so, is it your deliverability, your open rates, or are people just not taking action? Discover what’s not working and how to fix it with self-proclaimed Email Marketing Nerd Tyler Cook of HyperMedia Marketing, and start generating more business from your email marketing.


Email marketing is a cost-effective way for businesses to directly connect with customers, increase brand awareness, drive website traffic, and boost sales. It also provides valuable insights into customer behavior and preferences. But how can we make sure they’re interested enough to open our emails? Alyson Lex is here to share her strategies for creating emails that get attention. 


Most people hate getting cold emails. They’re intrusive, and often feel like they’re a waste of time. But what if we told you that there’s a way to send cold emails that is actually effective? Laura Lopuch shows you how to craft cold email messages that get results, and also share some tips for avoiding […]


Email marketing is a powerful way to keep your audience engaged with your business and build brand awareness. But it can also create “email fatigue” among those receiving them over time. So what’s the best way to grab your customer’s attention AND keep them wanting more? According to Reese Spykerman, the answer is Anticipation Emails. […]


On this podcast we preach hard on a regular basis about the importance of building your email list. But once you start to get those names, how do you keep them on your list? Did you know you could actually make some serious money from your emails? Email marketing wizard, Tarzan Kay, runs successful email […]


If you’re an ethical marketer, you know that buying an email list is considered “shady” and Email Service Providers such as MailChimp won’t allow you use use purchased lists on their platform. But Doug Morneau is here to explain that renting an email list is much different, and how it can help you reach more […]


By now we’ve all been told time and again about the importance of your email list when it comes to creating your marketing campaigns. But there’s a bit more to it than just shooting off a few emails. Aweber’s Jill Fanslau has helpful and insightful tips and strategies that you can immediately put into action […]


By now you know the importance of an email list for your business. But are you using those email addresses wisely and strategically, or are you just bombarding your clients – and prospective clients – with emails that will eventually cause them to remove themselves from your mailing list? One of the biggest mistakes businesses […]


In preparation of a recent presentation on building your email list, I discovered that our email funnels were a complete mess!    I went in, cleaned them up, and I’ve noticed a surge in email signups since then.   In this week’s podcast I share both the tips from the presentation as well as how […]


If you missed the recent TwitterChat that RIch Brooks recently hosted – or have no idea what a  Twitter Chat is – you missed out on a ton of valuable information. Luckily he has taken a sampling of that chat, as well as other questions he hears often, and answered them here for you.  You […]