564 episodes | 520K+ downloads

It’s been said that storytelling is the key to sales because it hits that certain part of the buyer’s brain that resonates with them on a deeper level. It can warm up your audience by giving them real-life reasons and examples that they can relate to, as to why they need your products or services. […]


There are definitely best practices to consider when it comes to utilizing LinkedIn. For one, don’t just park you resume there and wait for the job offers to come rolling it – it’s not going to happen.  But if you follow the sage advice of Tom Libby from Diversified Sales Solutions and Smarketing Connect, you […]


Whether you were born with the “gift of gab” or not, there is no excuse when it comes to why you’re not killing it in the sales game, according to Matthew Pollard. Regardless of your industry, if you’re not prepared with stories to engage your client or prospect, and you don’t know the right questions […]


Video advertising is becoming the dominant force in the digital marketing space. Mobile is king, and attention spans are dwindling, so you need to be able to connect with your audience through visual content, and nurture relationships that way, all within the span of about 2.8 seconds. Digital marketers look to Andrew Hubbard when they are […]


Podcasting can be a powerful marketing tool for your business, regardless of which side of the microphone you’re on. As a podcast expert, Matt Johnson teaches that everything comes down to the foundation of what is the clear and compelling idea of why people should listen to you. If your podcast doesn’t build a sense […]


If you’ve been think about creating a blog and aren’t sure where to start, Leslie Samuel can teach you how to become a blogger and create content that inspires others and keeps your audience coming back. It’s vital to first know who your audience is and what type of content they want. Once you have […]