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Supporting image for How to Prospect for Leads on LinkedIn – Thomas Libby
How to Prospect for Leads on LinkedIn – Thomas Libby
The Agents of Change

How Sales Professionals Use LinkedIn for Prospecting - Thomas Libby

There are definitely best practices to consider when it comes to utilizing LinkedIn. For one, don’t just park you resume there and wait for the job offers to come rolling it – it’s not going to happen.  But if you follow the sage advice of Tom Libby from Diversified Sales Solutions and Smarketing Connect, you will undoubtedly see your LinkedIn network grow in more ways than just numbers alone.

LinkedIn isn’t just a game of who can get the highest number of connections. It’s a quality over quantity strategy that determines this winner.  So optimize that profile, be engaging and helpful, post at least once a day for visibility, and for goodness sakes, don’t attack new connections with an immediate sales pitch!


Rich: My guest today is a seasoned sales Vice President and business development executive. He is co-founder of the Smarketing Connect, and also the CEO of Diversified Sales Solutions Inc., a firm that provides outsource sales solutions.

Getting sales strategy right is part vocation, part mission for him. Over the past 18 years he has developed his management, leadership, and sales skills in diverse industries that includes experiences in startups, small companies up to and including Fortune 500 companies. I’ve seen him speak at different business events, and most recently we talked about his sales approach to LinkedIn, and I knew I wanted him to come on the show and share that approach with you. I’m excited to bring on the show today, Thomas Libby. Tom, welcome to the show.

Thomas: Thanks for having me Rich, I appreciate it. That intro sounds really good when you say it.

Rich: Well I’ll come and introduce you at all future events, how about that?

Thomas: Sounds fantastic.

Rich: So Tom, how did you get started in sales?

Thomas: I think the funniest part of this is I have this conversation pretty frequently with a lot of sales people, and the baseline of the conversation seems to be quite similar. Which is, none of us ever intends to get into sales. I don’t think I’ve ever met anybody that says, “When I grow up I want to be a sales person.”

So that being said, I actually took 3 ½ years of culinary school, I started in the restaurant industry. Then I started a family and decided that the more children I had, the less time I spent with them. I was just spending so much time at the restaurant so I thought of jobs that I could do that would put me at home a little bit more frequently. Especially holidays, weekends, things like that. Because in the restaurant industry, you literally work every holiday except Christmas and Thanksgiving, and you work every weekend. So I was looking for something a little bit more normal in my mind, that’s kind of what I characterized it as. 

So I got into sales kind of by accident. I went on an interview without even realizing it was a sales job, to be quite frank. And when the gentleman asked me if I wanted the job, my first reaction was “no”. And he said I’m offering you a job with everything you wanted, normal schedule, etc. And I went, “Yeah, but sales I don’t think is me. I can’t lie to people.” And he kind of laughed and asked, “What do you mean you can’t lie to people? I’m not asking you to lie to anybody.” But that was my impression of sales people, that they just said what they had to say and did whatever they had to do. That it was all about quota and numbers and you had to lie, cheat, beg, and steal until you hit your quota. And he explained it was quite the opposite, and he would tech me the right way to do it.

So my first experience with that sales manager was tremendous, and I give him all the credit in the world, because he really did teach me that the best salespeople never lie. If anything, quite the opposite. We’re more transparent than most people and you get an opportunity to show that when you can tell somebody legitimately that you can point them in the right direction.

But anyway, I started in sales because I wanted to spend time with my family, and there you do. 

Rich: Can you give us a brief overview of Smarketing Connect and Diversified Sales Solutions, because you’re doing two different things there?

Thomas: Sure, yeah. Actually I’ll start with Diversified Sales Solutions because it led us into Smarketing Connect. So Diversified Sales Solutions we started just over 6 years ago. It was myself and my business partner, both of us had been in sales for a very long time and we were working for a company that did a similar function where they signed with these very big companies that wanted instant sales teams and new markets. So we were doing really well. They ended up laying off 200 sales people overnight just because the parent company decided they just wanted to do something different.

So I went to my partner and said we can do this, but I’d rather do it for a small company with the same kind of resources that can just buy market share. So we basically started this company to go out and get small business owners to understand that they don’t have to be perfect at sales if they’ve never done it or they’ve never been there. So they can hire us and we can run their functional sales departments for them. So our company in essence sits in the VP of Sales spot for smaller companies that can’t afford that entire infrastructure of sales reps, sales managers, VP of Sales, and the VP of Sales reports directly to either the upper level or ownership. So we kind of show them that they can have that structure with us and function like a bigger company, and then have that infrastructure built in.

The problem was, what we didn’t realize is as we moved along through this cycle and getting on board with these smaller companies, their mentality was – and I think we joked about this in person a couple times, Rich – the terms “sales” and “marketing” becomes one word to these guys. So small business owners tend to think of it as one functionality. And myself, I am not a marketing person. So I was getting asked by clients quite frequently to help them with marketing. And I didn’t have the heart to say, “Sorry, not my job. Go find somebody else.”

So what I started doing was I started reaching out to marketing professionals that we had met and saying, “Hey, we have this client, we’re doing the sales function but we need some marketing help. Could you come in and help us?” And for the client we tried to make it as streamlined as possible where we would just white label them and all the billing would come to us so the client would only have one point of contact, one billing cycle so there’s no multiple bills coming in, and we would make sure that they got paid. And it worked out really well. We enjoyed it quite a bit.

But what happened – and what happens so frequently – is we had those kind of “a-ha” moments realizing that small business owners, because of that hard time understanding the differences between sales and/or marketing, they don’t know where marketing ends and sales starts so something kind of needed to be done. So we started asking some of our clients and other small business owners that we knew and said, “How do you find help? If you wanted marketing help, what would you do?” And the overwhelming answer was to just go to Google and find out what I needed. And that scared me because Google, as you’re aware, is an abyss of information. You can get lost down a rabbit hole so easily that sometimes you forget what you’re looking for in the first place.

So I said if Google doesn’t work, what’s the second step.  And they almost all inevitably again said, “LinkedIn”. So I go on LinkedIn and I put in that I need sales management help. And whenever you put in “sales management”, you get everyone under the sun that has ever had a sales management title. They may not be a sales management consultant that can actually help you in your job or in your company.

So we looked at those two things and said we could probably do this a little bit easier and better for small businesses owners, where if they came to our site they could find good information about sales and/or marketing. And if they get in over their head and they want somebody to help them, you’ve provided them a directory of sales and marketing professionals that are segregated by their own version of what they’re best at. So somebody might be a website developer but they do SEO as well but their primary function is website design and development, so we’ll put them there. Or vice versa. If somebody is really good at SEO but they do websites on the side to help out their clients, so we might put them under SEO and then people can find them that way.

So the idea behind this was to really solve a problem that small business owners have where they really can’t identify what their true need is. And with Smarketing Connect, our goal is to at least help them through that. Because I think, in my mind’s eye, small business owners have to be a combination of three things; a little bit narcissistic, a little bit above and beyond ambitious, And a little bit egotistical. So they have to have those three characteristics. And I don’t mean it negatively. I’m just saying that a lot of times they know what they want, they go get it, they love their company, but the problem with that is sometimes you want to do everything yourself. If you’re not an expert at some of those fields – particularly sales and marketing – then you should probably go find somebody to help you.

So that seems like a long answer to your question.

Rich: That’s fine. So when you’re talking to these people – and you kind of touched on this – in your opinion, what’s the difference between sales and marketing? Where does that line come in?

Thomas: I think this question was so much easier to answer 20 years ago. Today’s world is getting so…there’s a lot more gray area and a lot more room to wiggle for both sides of the coin. So I still like to boil it down to a very simple coined phrase which is, “marketing is educational, sales is transactional”.

So even if you did have a giant company with all kinds of sales and marketing professionals within your company, you’d still have to define that dividing line. And so even with all the new sales enablement tools and all these other things that some companies put on marketing and some companies put on sales – I’d actually tend to see most of it on marketing – but the point is, even with sales enablement, it’s still educational by nature. You’re still trying to give them information and educate them along the sales process until it gets to the point where they actually need to sign on the dotted line or commit to something. Or once they sing up, on the flipside we have Customer Success Managers now that are in the sales department and once somebody signs up for something it replaces the old customer service-type people. But there job is to keep them there. So they’re constantly selling to them on that same spectrum.

So again, the simple version of it – and I always try to boil things down to the simplest version – so the simplest version is, marketing is educational, sales is transactional. And again, I know it gets gray a little bit in there, but that’s the simplest way of doing it.

Rich: Alright. So walk me through your process for generating leads and sales on LinkedIn. How are you using this tool?

Thomas: I go kind of back and forth between two different methodologies. I’ll start by saying in particular, the one thing I’ll never do is I’ll never send out a connection request to somebody and if they accept it I’m immediately sending them a message going, “Hey Rich, I love what you’re doing up there at flyte new media. I’d love to connect with you. Let’s get a cup of coffee so I can pitch you my xxx.” That is one of the most annoying things that I can even express about LinkedIn, is it’s turning into that type of atmosphere.

So for me there’s two kinds of methodology that I use, and it really depends on which one of those companies I’m trying to target for on LinkedIn, whether it be Diversified Sales Solutions or Smarketing Connect. One is like that old fashioned shotgun approach where I just filter in a couple of criteria and I will connect with anybody and everybody that fits that criteria.

Now the key to this, though, is I still don’t attack them once they connect. Once they connect I look at it as I try to put back some of the social part of social media marketing, social media sales, or however you want to coin the phrase. But I want to interact with them. I want to gain some credibility before I start talking at all about sales of anything.

So I connect with people, I’ll go back in there, I’ll look through what they’re posting. Or even better, on the few occasions I’m able to make the connection I’ll reach out and say, “I’m so glad we connected. Have you met so and so? I think you guys could complement each other pretty well.” And I make an introduction like that so maybe they can connect, and maybe it’s an even better connection than I might have with the person. But again, it kind of sets their guard down a little bit and makes them realize that’s not my primarily functionality and I’m not trying to just go and attack people right off the bat.

Rich: I hear that. Because that is one of the biggest problems on LinkedIn is just immediate going in for the sale, going in for the attack and people’s resistances are very high. Before we even have that initial contact, it sounds like you’re looking for people on LinkedIn, probably based on their industry or job title. How do you find people on LinkedIn? I know you do sales for yourself but you also do sales for other companies as well. So talk to me a little bit about how you do your prospecting on LinkedIn.

Thomas: Yeah, that’s actually a very good question. So I think part of this for me is really understanding – and I actually think people don’t do this as well as we think they do or as well as we give them credit for – but really truly identifying and understanding who your ideal prospect is.

Just to give you an example, somebody can look at it and go, “I need companies between $50,000,000 and $100,000,000, and they give it enough criteria that they think there’s a lot of value to it. Meaning, I need $50,000,000 to $100,000,000, they need to be in the Boston market, they need to have x number of employees.

But what they forget is – and even sometimes they add a vertical market, CPAs or marketing professionals – but they forget that sometimes you can look at two company’s criteria like that and they can be identical down the line and have two completely different buying processes. Understanding what your own customer’s buying processes are and how they actually look for things, how they find things. So again, one of the things I look for is if I’m looking on LinkedIn extensively, then I want somebody who’s active on LinkedIn.

 If I find the criteria are identical and one company barely uses LinkedIn and another company is extremely active on LinkedIn, I might not target that first company that’s not active on LinkedIn. Because I’m going to waste a lot of time trying to reach out to them if they’re not looking at their LinkedIn page, they may not see my message for 2 months and I’ve already sent them 3 messages. Then it just looks weird when they finally check it. They see a bunch of messages form me and it just looks funny. Somebody who’s pretty active on LinkedIn, I might target them a little faster.

So I think people skip the research part and they just fill in a criteria and they just go get it. I think we forget that if you had 10 really good – and I’m talking really good – prospects, or 100 just random people that you’re trying to reach out to, 90% of us would prefer the 10 really good prospects. Because your closing ratio goes up and you get better at really identifying who you’re targeting and how they’re buying from you.

So I think that’s really the primary thing for me is making sure that, and again, I started talking about the two mentalities and that really is the second one. So the second mentality I was starting to talk about a few minutes ago is really pinpoint accuracy on the targeting. Making sure that you drill down, you check them out, and I would tell you that most times about 75% of the time I jump off LinkedIn and see if I can find them on another platform. So it’s not just about LinkedIn, I’ll see if I can find them on Facebook or Twitter or Instagram or whatever. I’ll see if I can find them on something else so I can learn a little bit more about them during the research process.

The original part that I was talking about I think of more like the old fashioned kind of advertising mentality where it’s like a shotgun approach, but you’re also not interacting with them the same way either. You’re literally just connecting with them and you’re hoping they read something of yours, and then they reach out to you. That’s a little bit different kind of environment and mentality, which that will still work if you do it right and you have the right messaging in your own stuff and you’re producing outward. But I guess it just depends. I hope that answered your question about the prospecting part.

Rich: Well yeah, it sounds like you can do two different ways; quality over quantity, or quantity over quality. There’s not necessarily one right answer, it kind of depends on where you are. I certainly lean towards these days quality over quantity, meaning that I’m going to probably prospect for fewer people but I’m going to do a little bit more research.

And I know because of my position I get anywhere from 10-30 requests to connect each day on LinkedIn, and I have over the years gotten a lot more conservative about who I’ll connect with on the platform because I just know in advance how some people are going to attack me through sales.

And what I find is if somebody says something – and this is just because I’ve been around too long – if they say, “I really liked your article” and then they just paste a URL, I’m almost sure that they did not actually read that article, they just wanted to pretend that they did. As opposed to somebody that’s like, “Hey, I really like your podcast, I listen to it every week”. Then I really think this person has paid attention and I’m much more likely to connect with that person.

So doing that little bit of up front I definitely think warms people up and lowers their resistance to any conversation you may have.

Thomas: And let me ask you a question real quick, Rich. So in that same scenario you just posed to me, rather than cutting and pasting the URL, if somebody said, “Hey Rich I loved that blog you just wrote. The part about a,b,c really resonated with me.” If they actually quoted a piece of the blog it might make you think a little different then, no?

Rich: It would. And again, because I’ve just been around the block too many times, I’ve seen people do that, too. I think the solution is actually there’s a way of saying something like that – “Hey Tom, I really enjoyed your article on how to get by gatekeepers and I’m going to try x tactic next time I go there” – that shows that not only did you grab a snippet of text, but you’re actually really paying attention. And I think that’s what we want.

This is still a human to human platform and we’re looking for other humans to connect with rather than just being sold to. And I think that’s one of the tricky things. I’m a business owner, I’m a salesperson. When I go to LinkedIn I’m not going there because I want to look at pictures of kitty cats or people’s kids. I’m going there because it’s a business platform for me. I’m fine with the fact that other people are using it for business, too. It’s just like we still have to treat each other like humans if we really want to do something of meaning in that platform.

Thomas: Which I think is really part of a problem, Rich. So you hit the nail on the head for me, which is one of my pet peeves about LinkedIn right now. To your exact point, it’s not somebody who’s looking at stuff and regurgitating things. We have these software packages now that we can buy that will imitate the drip campaigns of the email marketing platforms, the Constant Contacts and the Mailchimps and things like that. Or actually it’s probably closer to SharpSpring and Hubspot. But the point I’m making is, we now have them for LinkedIn so you can preset a series of messages and just hit “go” and the thing does it for you. Which to me completely negates the fact that it’s supposed to be a social platform that we do business on. That’s the idea.

Facebook is a social platform that we are social on and every once in a while we do business. And LinkedIn is a business platform that we’re supposed to be social on. So I agree with you. I could not agree with you more because it really frustrates me when I can recognize and you can even tell the certain times of day they come in and how they’re worded. It frustrates the heck out of me that somebody didn’t actually take the time to write me a message, its some preset messaging that they have sent out to 500 people a day in order to see what they could come up with. That’s replacing the old cold calling version, or even a little after that the call centers that you can hire and pay $400/month for somebody 3 hours a week to call 1,000 people a week for you. And they’re just hoping and praying that they hit one. If they hit one or two of these a month they earn their keep, so let’s just keep calling all these people.

That’s LinkedIn’s version of this and it’s very frustrating. So I couldn’t agree with you more that if we can’t put the humanization back into it, then there’s no point in us even paying attention to any of it.

Rich: So let me ask you. So, you found people on LinkedIn that you want to connect with. Because ultimately you want to do business with them. You’ve identified them and reach out to them. What kind of introductory message are you using that lowers people’s defenses – and we don’t mean this in a bad way – but just makes them more open to hearing from you? What kind of things are you doing to warm that relationship from the get go?

Thomas: Here’s the other thing, too, by the way. I didn’t say this earlier. I almost always, probably 97% plus of the time I have mutual connections with these people, so that’s one of the first things I look at, who else are we connected to together. Because one of the first messages I usually send to somebody is, I’ll just use you as an example. If I was connecting with another marketing agency owner, I would basically say to them,”By the way, I’m also connected to Rich Brooks. If you know Rich please reach out to him and he’ll tell you that I’m legitimate and I’m not here to sell you anything”.

I’m saying if we’re both connected to them the likelihood is…and I would say again, there’s a 75% shot that they’re really not reaching out to you, but because I used your name they can identify with it and they can attach themselves mentally to it pretty easily.

So when you’re sending out these messages, that’s the first thing I look at. Obviously you look at the criteria; do they fit, are they really who you want to talk to, do we have any mutual connections. Because again, all things considered equal, if two companies are identical and I have one or two connections with one company and 25 with another, I’m definitely going after the 25. Because I can pull out a few names and if they know, like, and trust those people, it gives me some credibility almost instantly.

So that’s something that I do and I would recommend that to anybody. If you’re trying to connect with random people and you have mutual connections, especially connections that you know you like or you have good relationships with. I mean we can’t have great relationships with all of our connections. I think I’m connected to something like 3,400 people on LinkedIn, I know I don’t know all of them intimately. I was actually doing this over the summer, because over the summer I was down around 1,500. Honestly of the 1,500, about half of them I had met in one way, shape, or form either in person, had a really good conversation on the phone with, like I had known them. But now that numbers is not anything close to that. So there’s a good 700 people on my LinkedIn profile that I actually know personally. So if somebody said to me, “I know Rich” and I know them, I’m going to probably be very likely that I accept those requests.

However, one quick thing for you, something you said earlier that I wanted to point out, too. I have a guilty pleasure that I connect with a lot of people I don’t know when they send me the request, because I want to see if it is one of those bots or software packages, and I want to judge them totally. I am so judgmental when it comes to that. I want to see what their messages look like. I let them go through the whole process and I don’t care if they try to sell me at all. I just know going into it. And if I see one that I really like, I’m definitely going to reach back out to them and say I really like that and what software package are you using.

Anyway, I accept almost everybody’s request because I’m a student of the game, so to speak. I really like to watch and learn and see how people’s actions and reactions happen on these platforms. I don’t get that picky. 

Rich: So let’s say that we reached out to somebody, they’ve accepted us as a connection, what’s your next step? How do you continue on that conversation? Because I’ve definitely been on the receiving end where somebody sent me an invite, I accepted and say “What’s up?”, and never hear from most people again and wonder what was the point of reaching out to me. So what are you doing after that initial action if you haven’t met them in real life to kind of build that relationship? 

Thomas: So I think I alluded to it a little earlier. I think interacting with some of their information in their post is important. I think commenting on some of the things that they’re doing is important. Finding out if they’re hosting their own event that you can go to personally. We talk a lot about LinkedIn and social media and stuff like that, I’m really an old school guy at heart so I love to be in and around environments where I can physically meet people and shake hands and kind of put a face to the name. So I think step one to really interacting with them, I want people to understand the term “social” is in there for a reason. You can’t just connect with somebody and totally ignore them.

So I think the first thing I do once they accept the connection, if I send a connection out to somebody and they accept, every single one of those people get a message from me saying, “Thank you very much for connecting, please let me know if I can be helpful in any way, shape, or form, and I don’t care if it’s just connecting you to somebody I know. If I can be helpful to you in any way, please let me know.”

Now that being said, if they reach right out to me and say, “I see you know Rich, I’d love to meet him”, I would then ask to hop on a call real quick to understand why you want to know Rich. I’m not going to just shove that along to you, but then it gives me an opportunity. They’re looking for something from me, I’m not trying to sell to them, I just want to know why they’re trying to interact with some of my connections. It gives me an opportunity to really ask them for more in depth conversation with them.

If they don’t do something like that, I revert back to let’s see what they’re posting so I can go in there and interact with them. I just want there to be interaction and then I might send them a message saying, “Hey, I read your post and really liked it” – like something we talked about earlier and get a little specific – and even at that post I’m still not trying to sell anything. I’m not trying to even ask them for a phone call or anything at that particular point. At that point I’m still just trying to make them understand that I’m paying attention. But I’m looking and listening and learning.

Again, one of the things I think is important for your listeners to understand, I don’t want them to think that I think LinkedIn is the end all be all and I get all my leads from it. Nothing like that. I just use it as a tool like everyone else. I probably spend maybe an hour on LinkedIn a day, maybe. I know that sounds like a lot but it’s not. I’m usually doing it in snippets like 5, 6, 8 minutes at a time. I don’t sit in front of the computer for an hour, it’s more like I just want to be active enough on there so people pay attention.

And believe it or not, most times people are reaching out to me more often than not. I’ll connect with somebody and say, “If I can be helpful let me know”, and even if they don’t connect with me right away the first message I get from them is even if they’ve been in sales and marketing for a while, “I’d like to pick your brain?” Sure. And this kind of goes to a different kind of problem I think, where people will try to get you on the phone and get as much free information out of you as they can without ever hiring you. That’s a different problem to have, I’m not sure we have enough time to go over that.

Rich: So on LinkedIn, people are messaging you, they’re showing some interest. How quickly do you try and get them off Messenger and onto email or a phone call or something like that?

Thomas: If I read something in there that tells me it is there industry, I try to get them offline as quickly as possible. And I don’t mean that usually within 1 or 2 messages, I don’t gauge that by the number of interactions. It’s usually in the question they ask me or what their point of reference is to what the connection is like. Because the faster I can get them off of LinkedIn the more likely I understand that they’re legitimate.

Because LinkedIn is doing all kinds of funky stuff now where they’re hiding people’s email address. You can’t email someone from LinkedIn anymore, you have to go right to the platform. And back in the day without Navigator or any of the paid programs for LinkedIn, you could download your entire list of connections and it would give you all their information. But you can’t really do that anymore.

In order for someone to give you their email address now, or phone number for that matter, it just shows their level of interest. It shows that they’re actually interested. If you reach out to somebody and say “Hey, I’d like to take this office. Can we schedule a call? Or here’s my email, can you email me so you can see my calendar link.” If there’s resistance there I might just move on, to be honest with you. Again, the limited amount of time I spend on LinkedIn I don’t want to waste it on somebody who is just trying to chew up time.

If I’m talking to a small business owner, though, it’s unlikely that they’re just trying to waste time. It’s more likely that they’re trying to sell me and they just haven’t figured out how to get me off of LinkedIn, or they think they can sell it on LinkedIn and they really shouldn’t be. But the reality is I try to get them off LinkedIn as quickly as possible. It just legitimizes why they’re interacting with you at that point.

Rich: Tom, you mentioned that you will often interact with their posts, liking, commenting and sharing. How much original content are you sharing from your own profile on the platform? Is that something that’s part of what you do there?

Thomas: Yeah. I would say from a Diversified Sales Solutions perspective that I actually don’t produce a lot of content. We produce more content for Smarketing Connect than we do Diversified Sales Solutions. But we have at least one post every day. It’s usually some sort of quick tip. And again, we’re targeting small business owners that are thinking they want to do this on their own. So we try to give them some tangible information that they can go and at least try if they want to try it. So we do produce our own content, again, at least one post per day.

We will also share, I talked earlier about how Smarketing Connect has a directory of sales and marketing professionals. We currently have about 375 active members on Smarketing Connect. So of those 375, they produce content on their own that we just continuously share. So we’ll just repost something that one of our contributors have posted. So I would say that between all of it, you’ll probably see between myself, Susan, and the Smarketing Connect page, you’ll probably see 2-3 posts from us per day. But it’s not all original content, to your question. The original content is usually just one. Our original content is usually just one post per day, and then we try to play around with other people’s and share and like as we go.

Rich: Makes sense. Tom, this has been great. Very helpful for anybody out there trying to prospect and generate leads and make sales on LinkedIn. If people want to learn more about you, where can we send them?

Thomas: Absolutely. So Diversified Sales Solutions and Smarketing Connect are the exact URLs. So it’s diversifiedsalessolutions.com, and it’s smarketingconnect.com. They can also email me at tlibby at either one of those URLs. So if anyone is interested or curious I’d be happy to chat with them.

Rich: And of course they can find you on LinkedIn.

Thomas: And they can find me on LinkedIn. Good call, Rich.

Rich: Tom, thanks so much for spending some time with us and sharing your expertise.

Thomas: Thank you for having me, I appreciate it very much. 

Show Notes:

Tom Libby loves helping small business owners make the right connections on LinkedIn. You can learn more about how he believes LinkedIn is best utilized, as well as how he’s helping small businesses fill the sales & marketing gaps in their offices by checking out his website.

Rich Brooks is the President of flyte new media, a web design & digital marketing agency in Portland, Maine, and founder of the Agents of Change. He’s passionate about helping small businesses grow online and has put his 20+ years of experience into the book, The Lead Machine: The Small Business Guide to Digital Marketing